hari jumaat kami ada appointment dengan dentist untuk tengok sama ada gigi aiman dah ok ke belum (tragedi tu entri sini) nak tengok gigi dia masih goyang atau tak..
so, pagi2 lagi kami gerak pi dentist.. owh, lupa bagitau, sekolah aiman dan aidan cuti sampai hari isnin.. selasa (5 april) start sesi baru.. jadi mak pak dia pun kena la cuti sekali.. tsk tsk..
first time mama tengok children dentist kat jepun..
wooo.. cantik ok!! penuh cartoon characters.. mainan, origami comel2.. aiyooo..
dentist dia english speaker.. klinik dia betul2 belakang kyoto university.. children dentists are quite common in Japan.. thanks for the insurance coverage, we just need to pay very minimal.. the dentist that we went to, Furukuwa Children Dentist, Kyoto, is a very kind man.. around 60's (I guess) and was very thoughtful with kids..
sebelum mula, kita cuci gigi dulu.. ni nurse dia |
cara gosok yang diajar oleh jepun |
kumur2 |
ok, baru la dr check.. |
so, we left with another 2 braces and we shall wait for another month to have a look if it can be remove.. *doa banyak2..
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the doctor's collection of ultraman and kamen rider |
peace! |
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the registration counter |
last but not least..
the genki boy! |
hope everything goes well next month..
ماما أيمان
6 ulasan:
wahh !!! comel betul budak genki nieh ! :P
genki tu apa maknanya mast? si aidan ni dah tinggi la, cute!
tq iz..
noris, genki tu dalam bahasa jepun sihat.. kalau org jepun sebut budak genki maknanya budak yang aktif - sihat
beraninye aiman g dentist..
bagusnya takde la phobia kan? hehehe
betul tu..
flowerskies ni siapa ye? kawan dgn mira.. hehe.. mira kawan saya di TIKL
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