Khamis, 19 Julai 2012

out and about - tokyo summer 2012

* السلام عليکم *

 こんにちは q(^_~)p

The headings says it all. Enough said, enjoy some pictures...

Excited as usual

Why so serious Aidan?

See, you are cuter like this :)

Aiman: Mama, Shinkansen wa, san dai -- Shinkansen ada tiga
Aidan: Yeah, my head fit this.. I can touch the train!!!

Owh boys will be boys.. don't even care to pose

This one will be hang at our wall of shame haha!

Nice capture papa!

Weekend in Shibuya

Drink more

4-storey F21 -- Heaven + madness!!

Nice building.. Bershka.. didn't had the chance to go inside.. tsktsk

The famous crossing..

Rabu, 11 Julai 2012

to sunglass or not

* السلام عليکم *

 こんにちは q(^_~)p

korang perasan tak kadang2 ada orang dia lagi lawa pakai sunglass dari tak pakai sunglass? contoh jon bon jovi.. pelik rasa tengok muka dia x pakai sunglass.. n sting (the police).. pastu atsushi (exile) - aku ni benarnya tgh in love dgn atsushi.. muka ganas habis tak pernah buka sunglass dia hatta dalam dewan gelap sekalipun (ape tah yang dia nampak tak tau le hahaha) tapi suara alamaaakkk cair mak.. dah le nyanyi lagu jiwang2 aiyoh! lemah betul aku ni tau dengan pesen2 gini, bad boys type.. tp takpe, i like my next door boy much la hahahahahha.. ampun pa ampunnnnn

pasni leh karok lagu ni.. ehehehehe 

suara mamat ni kan.. ish la ish hahaha

Nah, ni couple kegemaran blog ni dengan sunglass..

dah habis merepek.. nak samb kerja.. 

Selasa, 10 Julai 2012

cannot comprehend

* السلام عليکم *  *all pictures are google-d

 こんにちは q(^_~)p

When somebody share something what will you do? Be happy with it or just find something to scrutinize/commenting it? How deep/low will you go when you try to judge or give unnecessary comments on other people's thought?

Doesn't it bothers you when you thought that you want to share something nice maybe for your family, or maybe you want to share some news that you want to convey others but then there's somebody uses it to judge you or maybe just take credit on whatever you are sharing?

some things are better left unseen, unheard and unspoken!
Why can't just some people try to understand some privacy? It's mind-boggling on how nosy can somebody be. Of course sharing anything nowadays is just a matter of clicking away, but please, maybe before clicking send or copying something, we should check the level of privacy for that matter. Even if it is just an FB status or simple cat picture, we should at least care whether is it ok for us to share it with the rest of the world (especially when it is a private account!)

Well maybe it's just me.

-- my sister and I just had serious case of FB privacy breach and I knew few friends who had the same problem before

Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had -- The Great Gatsby

Isnin, 9 Julai 2012

The end is getting closer

* السلام عليکم *

 こんにちは q(^_~)p

Lama dah tak update. Nak kata sibuk tu hmm.. sibuk ada, buat2 sibuk pun ada. Dah julai.. maka kalau ikut perkiraan sebenar, genap2 setahun sebelum dateline full thesis. Ada hari rasa macam ya Allah, apa yang aku dok buat ni? macam tak cukup, macam tak sempat nak siap.. macam2 la..

Tengah bulan lepas memang ultimatum la.. dengan sensei tegur dalam seminar, rasa macam kena penampar (literally) seminggu rasa melayang.. buat apa macam tak kena, study itu tak kena, study ini tak kena. sedangkan tahu ada banyak kerja menanti..

so last week mama start azam baru.. plan baru.. plan yang mesti diusahakan. Mama go back to basic. mesti cover semua dan mesti faham dengan detail.

Petang ni meeting dgn co-sv.. it's time to confess.. tabulate my plan. dan berdoa banyak2 semoga dia kata ok, and willing to help me..

Mastura, doa banyak2 ye :)