* السلام عليکم *
こんにちは q(^_~)p
this might be the official countdown before I hit the big 3-0! well, I definitely not going to have any party in vegas, but still, this is like major event! of course I wish to have a nice private gathering with my family but it is still a long way to go (3 month's exactly)
before hitting the new decade, I wish to reflect some of my mistakes. believe me, this is hard. although some might say this may be late but I think it's better to be late than never. don't worry guys.. this is merely my own fault. I don't want others to have the same problem as I do. I'm currently still trying to sort things out but I think it is best to really reflect this problem and share it with you guys so we can have something to learn by not following my mistake.
admitting this problem is like having to 'buka pekung didada' -- yup, it was that bad.. and it became like 'barah' since coming to kyoto.. sebabnya i thought by solving it slowly somehow this will end.. NOT!
so what was my problem?
malu ok..
tapi demi kebenaran dan perlu untuk diselesaikan..
yes, I have money problem..
and I mean really big problem..
I cannot curb myself from spending..
It's really bad..
dan sumpah taubat nasuha tak mau dah jadi lagu tu..
and how glad i am when my father and husband unconditionally helped me through this problem.. seriously babah, papa, terima kasih banyak.. and I'm sorry to cause you trouble.. malu la dah tua2 masih perlu babah dan suami untuk bantu..
it started when i had my first credit card.. owh seriously credit cards are the BIGGEST DEVIL!! please guys, manage your money carefully..
eh, jangan pula korang ingat mama dikejar along ke atau dah bankrup.. tak2.. tak le sampai tahap macam tu.. cuma sebab rasa masalah duit ni boleh selesai sikit2 maka mama ambil mudah.. ha sekarang ampun! serik!! tak mahu dah berhutang kredit kad..
sedih fikir sebab umur 30 and where does all my gaji goes? spending unnecessary things thinking that those things may give me some happiness.. BOO mastura! I still have my savings here and there.. but still, orang lain umur 30 macam2 aset ada and me? aiyoh.. segan.. (assets in this context means things that generates money for you -- rumah yang dibayar secara hutang tak dikira sbg aset)
sebab tu, I will try to resolve my credit cards problem before coming back to malaysia.. i want to clean up my name, start fresh when coming back and have extra savings for the family.. malu la sebab abah n papa still help me with monetary -- tua dah weehhh!!
to my children, insyaAllah, mama akan sentiasa ingatkan kamu supaya berhemah (my parents did that too but still I had to learn it this way :( -- and i'll make extra effort to learn how to generate good money
so fasten your seatbelt mastura, next 2 years will be hard for you.. start saving and plan for your future -- of course that does not mean that I cannot splurge on anything.. i just need to remind myself to buy only necessary things!
pheww!! i just felt that i've release my biggest fear here -- fear of not able to settle my monetary issue!
owh btw, please don't ask me to join anything on MLM and whatsoever.. am certainly and definitely not interested!
your views are much appreciated :) XOXO
こんにちは q(^_~)p
this might be the official countdown before I hit the big 3-0! well, I definitely not going to have any party in vegas, but still, this is like major event! of course I wish to have a nice private gathering with my family but it is still a long way to go (3 month's exactly)
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tua dah :P |
before hitting the new decade, I wish to reflect some of my mistakes. believe me, this is hard. although some might say this may be late but I think it's better to be late than never. don't worry guys.. this is merely my own fault. I don't want others to have the same problem as I do. I'm currently still trying to sort things out but I think it is best to really reflect this problem and share it with you guys so we can have something to learn by not following my mistake.
admitting this problem is like having to 'buka pekung didada' -- yup, it was that bad.. and it became like 'barah' since coming to kyoto.. sebabnya i thought by solving it slowly somehow this will end.. NOT!
so what was my problem?
malu ok..
tapi demi kebenaran dan perlu untuk diselesaikan..
yes, I have money problem..
and I mean really big problem..
I cannot curb myself from spending..
It's really bad..
dan sumpah taubat nasuha tak mau dah jadi lagu tu..
and how glad i am when my father and husband unconditionally helped me through this problem.. seriously babah, papa, terima kasih banyak.. and I'm sorry to cause you trouble.. malu la dah tua2 masih perlu babah dan suami untuk bantu..
it started when i had my first credit card.. owh seriously credit cards are the BIGGEST DEVIL!! please guys, manage your money carefully..
eh, jangan pula korang ingat mama dikejar along ke atau dah bankrup.. tak2.. tak le sampai tahap macam tu.. cuma sebab rasa masalah duit ni boleh selesai sikit2 maka mama ambil mudah.. ha sekarang ampun! serik!! tak mahu dah berhutang kredit kad..
sedih fikir sebab umur 30 and where does all my gaji goes? spending unnecessary things thinking that those things may give me some happiness.. BOO mastura! I still have my savings here and there.. but still, orang lain umur 30 macam2 aset ada and me? aiyoh.. segan.. (assets in this context means things that generates money for you -- rumah yang dibayar secara hutang tak dikira sbg aset)
sebab tu, I will try to resolve my credit cards problem before coming back to malaysia.. i want to clean up my name, start fresh when coming back and have extra savings for the family.. malu la sebab abah n papa still help me with monetary -- tua dah weehhh!!
to my children, insyaAllah, mama akan sentiasa ingatkan kamu supaya berhemah (my parents did that too but still I had to learn it this way :( -- and i'll make extra effort to learn how to generate good money
so fasten your seatbelt mastura, next 2 years will be hard for you.. start saving and plan for your future -- of course that does not mean that I cannot splurge on anything.. i just need to remind myself to buy only necessary things!
pheww!! i just felt that i've release my biggest fear here -- fear of not able to settle my monetary issue!
owh btw, please don't ask me to join anything on MLM and whatsoever.. am certainly and definitely not interested!
your views are much appreciated :) XOXO
12 ulasan:
erm thanks sbb jujur coz u indirectly naishatkan yatie jugak. rasanya kita sekapal la kak mas, sgt susah nk control nafsu shopping haisyyyyy
owh, sama la kita.. sep 10! tapi kena cepat berubah.. dah 30 segan pulak bila asyik org tgk big spender ni.. huhu
habiskan bayar semua kad2 tu. lepas habis potong dua. tinggalkan satu je untuk emergency cases.
and always pay more than what's minimum payment. so kalo takleh pay more, then don't use it.
betul betul. kalau ikutkan memang banyak duit habis ke kredit card. kalao kumpul2 dah boleh buat downpayment rumah dah. sighhh.
good luck sis.
heppi birthday Pn Mas...semoga Pn Mas bahagia dgn family and berjaya dlm mendidik student2 USM nnti :-)
Pn Mas...saya pon ada masalah kad credit jugak...menyesal gila bila 15% dr gaji utk bayar utang2 mengarut tu huhuuu
kak non,
yup.. that's how i plan to do now.. hopefully boleh settle before balik ke mesia.. geram dengan diri sendiri.. betul tu kak.. kalau kumpul2 dah boleh beli rumah no 2 dah.. tsk tsk
opps, belum lagi la.. haha.. baru countdown ni.. anyway, tq..
huwaa, awak jangan start hutang kredit kad.. nnt tak boleh lari dah..
betul betul... aku pun dulu sama kes... credit card... budus.. tp sekrg tobat.. tak mo... nak beli apa2 sekrg ni.. kene simpan duit sikit2.. monthly simpan.. then baru beli.... kalau idak.. memang ke laut la hutang aku... aku pernha hutang credit card sampai 30k okay.. jgn tak caya lah... azab aku nak bayar... hehehehe
hugsss.. sama la kita pun.. tobat ok aku.. memang lepas ni ada duit baru beli.. takdak duit duduk diam2
Credit card mmg bapak segala benda untuk jahanamkan duit.anis haritu kredit kad kena copy,berpuluh ribu kena tanggung sementara dorang nk investigate.Ya Allah,masa tu,tuhan je lah yg tau.Nk beli tiket balik pun kena pinjam credit card member.Sob!sob!
ye ke? aiyoooo ngeri oo gitu.. bahaya nya.. so camne skrg? dah selesai? ish, seram
Samalah kita.... Sejak kawen dah takleh pakai kad kredit...tobat!skrg nak beli ape2, kumpul duit dan byr cash je....
kad sy satu dh potong dh b4 dtg jepun dlu..tp ada satu lagi..tu pun x berani la nk guna dekat sini..sbb tgh xde income sndiri nih..huhuuuu
takleh pakai kedit kad? awat? oh, memang kalau kumpul duit cash aje lagi baik kan
jangan start dik.. susah nak berenti nanti
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