nope, i'm not announcing pregnancy.. not yet.. actually our family is expecting new family member.. it's my dad.. he got engaged last friday. yes, i'm going to get a stepmother end of this year. my father got engaged with a lady. i am not going to announce her name yet but she's a midwives working in Riyadh. she's a very nice lady.. she got to know my dad through dad's friend whom wife working with her. so, there'll be plenty of work for me for the next six month. that includes aiman's birthday party and abah's wedding.
however, coming back to the engagement ceremony, it was held just within both family. before the engagement, i got to met her one time. she's quite a nice lady. hopefully abah will be happier when he marry her and hopefully she will be a good stepmom for me and sister. insyaAllah. and for information, i was the one who put the ring on her finger.. (macam anak pinangkan abah.. huhu)i wish everybody pray for us.. for our happiness. amin
5 ulasan:
semoga berbahagia.....
insya Allah, bahagia mas.. erm, menantu belum pinang, dah sarung cincin untuk abah? ngeee.... tu la tanggungjawab anak sulung kan?
haha... nak kata apa kak aishah.. dah kena buat.. kalau tidak siapa lagi kan? tapi macam kelakar la jugak bila fikir.. hehe
thanks to fanor n kak aishah
Tahniah Mast. So happy for you and family esp your dad lah.. heheh see that smile on his face :)Mudah-mudahan berbahagia selalu
hi Mas...
happy for your dad too.
doa dari anak2 pun penting jugak tau. ayah bahagia,keluarga pun bahagia and vis a vis..!
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